element Selects all elements of type 'element'
#id Selects an element with the id 'id'
.class Selects all elements with the class 'class'
width The width of an element
height The height of an element
padding The space between the element and its content
margin The space between the element and its surroundings
border The border around the element
block Displays an element as a block-level element
inline Displays an element as an inline-level element
inline-block Displays an element as an inline-level block container
none Hides an element
position Sets the position type
top Sets the top position
bottom Sets the bottom position
left Sets the left position
right Sets the right position
font-family Sets the font family
font-size Sets the font size
font-weight Sets the font weight
line-height Sets the line height
text-align Sets the text alignment
text-decoration Sets the text decoration
color Sets the font color
background-color Sets the background color
element, element Selects all elements of both types
element > element Selects direct child elements
element + element Selects the next sibling element
:hover Selects an element when the mouse is over it
:nth-child() Selects an element based on its position
@media Applies styles based on screen size
:not() Selects elements that do not match the specified selector
:nth-of-type() Selects elements of a specific type based on their position
:nth-last-of-type() Selects elements of a specific type based on their position, counting from the end of the parent element
:first-child Selects the first child of an element
:last-child Selects the last child of an element
:only-child Selects elements that are the only child of their parent
:first-of-type Selects the first element of a specific type
:last-of-type Selects the last element of a specific type
:only-of-type Selects elements that are the only element of their type within their parent
:empty Selects elements that have no children or text content
:checked Selects radio buttons and checkboxes that are checked
:disabled Selects disabled form elements
:enabled Selects enabled form elements
:focus Selects the element that currently has focus
:target Selects the element targeted by the URL's fragment identifier (the part of the URL after the # symbol)
box-sizing Determines how the width and height of an element is calculated
overflow Determines what happens when the content of an element overflows its boundaries
display Controls the layout behavior of an element
float Controls the positioning of an element within its container
clear Controls whether an element should be positioned below or beside a floating element
z-index Controls the stacking order of overlapping elements
position: absolute Positions an element relative to its nearest positioned ancestor
position: fixed Positions an element relative to the viewport, even when the page is scrolled
position: sticky Positions an element relative to its nearest ancestor that has a 'scroll' property, until it reaches a certain position and becomes fixed
transform Applies 2D or 3D transformations to an element
transition Specifies how a property should be transitioned over time
animation Specifies an animation to be applied to an element
display: flex Enables flexbox layout on an element
flex-direction Specifies the direction of the main axis of the flex container
justify-content Specifies how the flex items should be aligned along the main axis
align-items Specifies how the flex items should be aligned along the cross axis
flex-wrap Specifies whether the flex items should wrap or not
align-content Specifies how the lines of flex items should be aligned in the flex container when there is extra space along the cross axis
display: grid Enables grid layout on an element
grid-template-columns Specifies the number and size of the columns in a grid
grid-template-rows Specifies the number and size of the rows in a grid
grid-template-areas Specifies named grid areas
grid-column Specifies a grid item's location within the grid columns
grid-row Specifies a grid item's location within the grid rows
grid-area Specifies a grid item's location and size within the grid