Computer Fundamentals Interview Questions

What is the difference between hardware and software?

Hardware Software
Physical components of a computer Programs and data that run on the hardware
Tangible and visible Intangible and non-physical
Examples: CPU, memory, keyboard Examples: Operating systems, applications
Provides the physical foundation Provides instructions and functionality
Requires physical installation Installed and run on hardware
Can be touched and seen Cannot be physically touched or seen
Upgrades involve replacing parts Upgrades involve installing new versions
Determines the computer's capability and performance Executes tasks and enables functionality

What is an operating system and its role in a computer?

What is the function of a Central Processing Unit (CPU)?

Describe the difference between RAM and ROM.

RAM (Random Access Memory) ROM (Read-Only Memory)
Volatile memory that loses data when power is off Non-volatile memory that retains data even when power is off
Used for temporary data storage during system operation Contains permanent instructions or data
Read and write operations are possible Read-only memory, data can only be read
Faster access speed compared to ROM Slower access speed compared to RAM
Capacity can vary and is expandable Fixed capacity, typically not expandable
Examples: DDR4, DDR3, DDR2 Examples: PROM, EPROM, EEPROM

What is Protocol?

What is a firewall?

What is TCP?

Explain DNS?

Explain the concept of computer memory and its different types.

How do websites work?